Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Hateful, adjective: arousing, deserving of, or filled with hatred, very unpleasant.
Limp, verb: walk with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot, (of a damaged ship, aircraft, or vehicle) proceed with difficulty; noun: a tendency to limp; a gait impeded by injury or stiffness; adjective: lacking internal strength or structure; not stiff or firm.
Marvel, verb: be filled with wonder or astonishment; noun: a wonderful or astonishing person or thing.

Hateful comments about immigrants
Make me marvel at the person’s audacity
Their ignorance and fear
Spurring them on making their minds limp
Differences make a country stronger not weak
As long as we try to get along
Accept and embrace differences
We can all prosper and be happy

 ©Sheilagh Lee February 24, 2016

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Prompts: Engulf, verb: (of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely.
Fearful, adjective: feeling afraid; showing fear or anxiety, causing or likely to cause people to be afraid; horrifying.

Grimace, noun: an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement; verb: make a grimace.

Prompts: Engulf, verb: (of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely.
Fearful, adjective: feeling afraid; showing fear or anxiety, causing or likely to cause people to be afraid; horrifying.
Grimace, noun: an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement; verb: make a grimace.


Engulfed in pain
Fearful of its continuance
I grimace and moan
Silently to myself
Then after thinking
What’s the point of complaining?
I just ride out the waves
Hoping it will soon go
Resistance is futile
When it has you in its grip
Muscle pain, weakness
The inability to do normal chores
Makes you feel inhuman
Wondering when you were ever
Without this underlining pain
And how you’d like to have only
The nagging pain again
Instead of this clenching
Burrowing, mind blowing pain
I try to think of other things
Distract myself with shows and movies
Books that take me away
From remembering this ruthless pain
For it will pass, it has before
Patience after all is a virtue
I tell myself
Platitudes to get me through
I will survive

I’m stronger you know.
                                                         ©Sheilagh Lee February 17, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016


Love is like riding on an ocean
Full and inviting
It can be unrelenting and daunting
Stormy and impetuous
In its power
But it can also be
Exciting, thrilling and fun
As your stomach deeps
Your skin tingles
Your heart beats a little faster
Your sight narrows telescoping in
On that one person
Who thrills you
Delights you
Completes you

A kiss like the frothing sea
Stops all speech,
making words unnecessary
Love strengths resolve,
bolsters self-esteem
Makes you a better person
Because you put that other person first.
That one person who exists

To complete you.
  ©Sheilagh Lee February 11, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Three Word Wednesday- Perspective

Three Word Wednesday-- Perspective
Tearful, adjective: crying or inclined to cry, causing tears; sad or emotional.
Unsteady, adjective: liable to fall or shake; not firm, not uniform or regular.
Abrasive, adjective: (of a substance or material) capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding, tending to rub or graze the skin, (of a person or manner) showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh; noun: a substance used for grinding, polishing, or cleaning a hard surface.

On an abrasive surface 
Tearful, unsteady, the little one
Walks for the first time

Abrasive words 
Cause tears
Showing unsteady relationships

Tearful, and unsteady a soldier
Leaves behind abrasive words, deeds
Home safe at last

                                          ©Sheilagh Lee February 3, 2016